Friday, March 28, 2014

I just got my tickets for Turkey and Greece booked!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Skype date with the brozies.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

An Afterthought;

It's not a secret that my friends are one of the most important people in my life, and because of that I really really miss my closests and I wish they could be here with me to enjoy the beauty of Israel.

Being in Israel has taught me that whether I'm around or not, life still goes on and people's lives continue as they always do. Sometimes good things happen, sometimes not so pleasant things, but I always wanted to be in the know/part of every moment. (I used to/(may still am?) very domineering/controlling) and always thought that I knew what's best for someone. But in recent years, I'm glad I've learnt to let go of a lot of things. And it really has made me a better/matured person as a whole.
My airplane tickets for Germany, Italy, France and Spain are finally booked!
So thrilled.